
The content of the website is mainly the history of computer animation and animating using SVG. We have been interested in computer animation since the late 1960s and we include information about earlier work when it was both more difficult to produce and took a lot longer.

We have also included some background information on SVG and, in particular, how to generate animation using SVG.

In 2002, the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2) decided to open and close future conferences with an animation of the conference logos to make it clear that this was now a series of 11 conferences. We produced an animation for them at the time and continued to do this each year until there were 24 animated logos.

We include the complete series of 24 animations here as examples of what can be done using SVG animation and have included some background material of relevance to the animations.

We also include some other SVG animations that we have developed over the years mainly to assist our own activities, reworking early animations and also just for enjoyment.


Most of the site is the work of Bob Hopgood (frahopgood@gmail.com) and Paul Hopgood with support from David Duce (daduce@brookes.ac.uk), the members of IW3C2, and the students on the Masters Course in Web Technologies at Oxford Brookes University.

Many of the diagrams can be animated. If a cyan or pink circle or arrow appears on a diagram, it usually indicates that clicking on it will start the animation.